Newlat Food S.p.A. operates in the agri-food sector in Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom, and internationally. The company offers low-protein pasta, biscuits, flour, and drinks; butter and processed cheese; crostini and melba toasts; rusks; meat-based freeze-dried products, children's biscuits and cereals, formulas for infants, follow-up formulas, growth-supporting milk, children's pasta, baby and follow-up formulas, and vitamin-enriched oils; whole, semi-skimmed, skimmed, pasteurised, and UHT milk; fresh and UHT cream, and béchamel sauce; mascarpone and ricotta; mozzarella and scamorza cheese; pasta; gluten-free products; instant noodles; and yogurt. It offers its products under the ala, Centrale del latte, Tapporosso, Centrale del Latte Vicenza, Fior di Salento, Giglio, Latte Tigullio, Matese, Mukki, Optimus, Polenghi, Torre in Pietra, 3 GLOCKEN, Birkel, CICCARESE, Corticella, DELVERDE, Guacci, Krokkis, Pezzullo, Sansepolcro, GÜDO, NAKED, Mug Shot, and Twistd brands. The company was founded in 2004 and is headquartered in Reggio Emilia, Italy. Newlat Food S.p.A. is a subsidiary of Newlat Group S.A.