SenzaGen AB provides non-animal tests for assessing a substance's allergenicity. The company offers genomic allergen rapid detection (GARD)skin, an in vitro test to identify potential chemical skin sensitizers; GARDpotency, an in vitro add-on test to GARDskin for potency classification; GARDskin Dose-response, an in vitro test for quantitative skin sensitizing potency assessment of chemicals; and GARDair, an in vitro test for identifying chemical respiratory sensitizers, as well as GARDskin medical device, an in vitro skin sensitization testing for medical devices and solid materials. It also provides irritation, corrosion, sensitization, and absorption testing services, as well as phototoxicity services. The company offers services through license partners and distributors. It has a collaboration agreement with the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials to develop tests for photosensitization. The company was incorporated in 2010 and is headquartered in Lund, Sweden.