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iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
Windows is developed by Microsoft, OS X by Apple, Chrome OS by Google and Linux is open-source
Windows is developed by Microsoft, OS X and iOS by Apple, Android by Google and Linux is open-source
Chrome is developed by Google, Firefox by Mozilla, Safari by Apple, the Opera browsers by Opera and IE was developed by Microsoft but has been discontinued
Chrome and the Android browser (as well as the OS) are developed by Google, Safari by Apple, UC Browser by a subsidiary of Alibaba, the Opera browsers by Opera, Samsung Internet by Samsung, Nokia by Nokia and Blackberry by Blackberry (then Research in Motion)
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
Trailing P/E | 10.78 |
Preț la OCF | 9.67 |
Preț la FCF | 18.20 |
Preț la EBITDA | 8.24 |
EV la EBITDA | 9.02 |
Preț la vânzări | 2.99 |
Preț de rezervare | 3.23 |
EV la vânzări | 3.27 |
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
Număr de acțiuni curente | 5.84B |
EPS (TTM) | 7.59 |
FCF pe acțiune (TTM) | 4.50 |
Venituri (TTM) | 339.69B |
Profit brut (TTM) | 196.72B |
Venituri din exploatare (TTM) | 105.11B |
Venit net (TTM) | 94.27B |
EPS (TTM) | 7.59 |
EPS (1 an înainte) | 8.96 |
Marjă brută (TTM) | 57.91% |
Marjă operațională (TTM) | 30.94% |
Marja de profit (TTM) | 27.75% |
Numerar | 19.96B |
Creanțe nete | 49.10B |
Total active curente | 157.54B |
Fond comercial | 31.93B |
Imobilizări necorporale | 0.00 |
Imobilizări corporale | 251.70B |
Total active | 430.27B |
Creanțe | 7.05B |
Datoria pe termen scurt/curent pe termen lung | 26.92B |
Total datorii curente | 80.80B |
Total datorii | 116.15B |
Capitaluri proprii | 314.12B |
Imobilizări corporale nete | 0.00 |
Flux de numerar operațional (TTM) | 105.10B |
Cheltuieli de capital (TTM) | 49.28B |
Flux de numerar liber (TTM) | 55.82B |
Dividende plătite (TTM) | 4.92B |
Rentabilitatea capitalului propriu | 30.01% |
Rentabilitatea activelor | 21.91% |
Rentabilitatea capitalului investit | 28.74% |
Rentabilitatea în numerar a capitalului investit | 17.02% |
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
Deschis | 171.26 |
Maxim zilnic | 174.97 |
Minim zilnic | 170.27 |
Volum zilnic | 27.3M |
Maximul tuturor timpurilor | 2235.55 |
Estimare analist 1 an | 209.85 |
Beta | 1.03 |
EPS (TTM) | 7.59 |
Dividend pe acțiune | 0.80 |
Data ex-div | 10 Mar 2025 |
Următoarea dată a câștigurilor | 23 Apr 2025 |
GOOGL | S&P500 | |
Scădere actuală a prețurilor de la cel mai ridicat nivel din toate timpurile | -92.22% | -6.04% |
Cea mai mare scădere de preț | -96.27% | -56.47% |
Data celei mai mari scăderi | 3 Nov 2022 | 9 Mar 2009 |
Medie scădere de la maxim | -23.19% | -11.07% |
Timp mediu până la un nou maxim | 14 days | 12 days |
Timp maxim până la un nou maxim | 1230 days | 1805 days |
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner