Gür-Sel Turizm Tasimacilik ve Servis Ticaret A.S. provides transportation services. It provides public transportation, school, workplace personnel transportation, urban and intercity transportation for travel and tourism purposes, international passenger transportation by road, and transportation and service work of official and unofficial private institutions and companies. The company is also involved in rents, leases, operates car park management; trades in land transportation vehicles; builds, operates, and leases facilities, such as touristic holiday village, hotel, motel, hostel, camping, casino, restaurant, and patisserie; organizing tours and shows for recreation, entertainment, culture purposes; domestic and international trips; selling tickets for transportation vehicles and making reservations; and provides trainings on personnel and student shuttle transportation, as well as organizes meeting to organizations, such as seminars and panels and tourism activities. In addition, it provides audit and consultancy services. The company was founded in 1993 and is headquartered in Istanbul, Turkey.