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iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner

iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner


DAU - Facebook Daily Active Users (millions)

DAU comments

Facebook metrics (DAU, MAU, and ARPU) are based only on Facebook and Messenger and not on their other products.

Daily active user is defined as a registered and logged-in Facebook user who visited Facebook through the website or a mobile device, or used the Messenger application (and is also a registered Facebook user), on a given day. DAUs, and DAUs as a percentage of MAUs, are measures of user engagement on Facebook.

For purposes of reporting DAUs, MAUs, and ARPU by geographic region, Europe includes all users in Russia and Turkey and Rest of World includes all users in Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East.

MAU - Facebook Monthly Active Users (millions)

MAU comments

Monthly active user is defined as a registered and logged-in Facebook user who visited Facebook through the website or a mobile device, or used the Messenger application (and is also a registered Facebook user), in the last 30 days as of the date of measurement. MAUs are a measure of the size of the global active user community on Facebook.

DAU / MAU (%)

DAU / MAU comments

DAU as a percentage of MAU is a measure of user engagement.

ARPU - Facebook Average Revenue Per User ($)

ARPU comments

ARPU is defined as total revenue in a given geography during a given quarter, divided by the average of the number of MAUs in the geography at the beginning and end of the quarter.

DAP, MAP - Family Daily / Monthly Active People (billions)

DAP, MAP comments

Beginning with the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019, they also report their estimates of the numbers of their daily active people (DAP), monthly active people (MAP), and average revenue per person (ARPP) (collectively, the "Family metrics").

Family metrics (DAP, MAP, and ARPP) represent Facebook's estimates of the number of unique people using at least one of Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp. Family metrics better reflect the size of the community and the fact that many people are using more than one of the Facebook products.

As a result, over time Facebook intends to report the Family metrics as key metrics in place of DAUs, MAUs, and ARPU.

Monthly active person (MAP) is defined as a registered and logged-in user of Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and/or WhatsApp (collectively, the "Family" of products) who visited at least one of these Family products through a mobile device application or using a web or mobile browser in the last 30 days as of the date of measurement.

ARPP - Family Average Revenue Per Person ($)

ARPP comments

Average revenue per person (ARPP) is defined as total revenue during the given period, divided by the average of the number of MAP at the beginning and end of the given period.

While ARPP includes all sources of revenue, the number of MAP used in this calculation only includes users of the Family products as described in the definition of MAP.

Revenue by Category ($M)


Revenue by Facebook User Geography ($M)


"Revenue by Facebook user geography is geographically apportioned based on our estimation of the geographic location of our users when they perform a revenue-generating activity. This allocation differs from our revenue disaggregated by geography disclosure in our condensed consolidated financial statements where revenue is disaggregated by geography based on the addresses of our customers."

Europe includes Russia and Turkey, and Rest of World includes Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East.

Number of Full-Time Employees


Source of data for years before 2012: https://www.statista.com/statistics/273563/number-of-facebook-employees/

Number of Active Advertisers (millions)


Source of data: https://www.statista.com/statistics/778191/active-facebook-advertisers/

No data available for missing quarters.

Facebook vs Competitors by Number of Users (billions)


Note that these numbers (and especially the daily vs monthly metrics) are not directly comperable, as different companies may use different methodologies for their estimations and calculations.

Facebook DAP (Daily Active Person) is defined as a registered and logged-in user of Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and/or WhatsApp who visited at least one of these Family products through a mobile device application or using a web or mobile browser on a given day.

Facebook MAP (Monthly Active Person) is defined as a registered and logged-in user of Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and/or WhatsApp who visited at least one of these Family products through a mobile device application or using a web or mobile browser in the last 30 days as of the date of measurement.

Twitter's mDAU (average Monetizable Daily Active Usage) is defined as people, organizations, or other accounts who logged in or were otherwise authenticated and accessed Twitter on any given day through twitter.com or Twitter applications that are able to show ads. It shows the audience's size and engagement. Average mDAU for a period represents the number of mDAU on each day of such period divided by the number of days for such period.

Snap's DAU (Daily Active User) is defined as a registered Snapchat user who opens the Snapchat application at least once during a defined 24-hour period. Average DAUs for a particular quarter is calculated by adding the number of DAUs on each day of that quarter and dividing that sum by the number of days in that quarter.

While Twitter and Snap do not report their MAUs, Pinterest does not report its DAU (since they do not anticipate that most Pinterest users will become daily active users).

Facebook vs Competitors by Size and Degree of Monetization (as of 2020)


Note that these numbers (and especially the daily vs monthly metrics) are not directly comperable, as different companies may use different methodologies for their estimations and calculations. Also, different companies may be in different stages regarding their user base (number, engagement, and geographic distribution) and regarding their monetization plans.

Facebook's ARPU (ARPP) is defined as total revenue during the given period, divided by the average of the number of MAUs (MAPs) at the beginning and end of the given period.

The ARPU of all competitors is calculated by us, using Facebook's methodology and the competitor's reported full-year sales and number of users at the beginning and end of the given period.

The competitors' definition of "number of users" may differ from that of Facebook. Twitter uses "mDAU", Snap uses "DAU", and Pinterest uses "MAU". There might also be differences in the estimations and methodologies they use to measure these.

Share of Mobile in Advertising Revenue


Source of data: https://www.statista.com/statistics/462370/share-of-mobile-facebook-ad-revenue/

Daily Mobile Usage

Daily Mobile Usage comments

Mobile DAU is defined as a user who accessed Facebook via a mobile application or via mobile versions of the website such as m.facebook.com, whether on a mobile phone or tablet, or used the Messenger app on a given day.

Mobile-only DAU is defined as a user who accessed Facebook solely through mobile applications or mobile versions of the website on a given day, whereas a mobile DAU may have also accessed Facebook on a personal computer on that day.

Facebook has stopped reporting mobile usage after 2015, as mobile usage has matured and reached almost 100% of total usage.

Monthly Mobile Usage

Monthly Mobile Usage comments

Mobile MAU is defined as a user who accessed Facebook via a mobile application or via mobile versions of the website such as m.facebook.com, whether on a mobile phone or tablet, or used the Messenger application (and is also a registered Facebook user) during the period of measurement

Mobile-only MAU is defined as a user who accessed Facebook solely through mobile applications or mobile versions of the website during the period of measurement, whereas a mobile MAU may have also accessed Facebook on a personal computer during the period of measurement.

Facebook has stopped reporting mobile usage after 2015, as mobile usage has matured and reached almost 100% of total usage.

iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner

iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner


META не выплачивает дивиденды или информация не поступала

iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner


Коэффициенты оценки

Данные о коэффициентах оценки
Трейлинг P/E24.56
Цена к OCF16.48
Цена к FCF26.11
Цена к EBITDA17.49
EV к EBITDA18.11

Оценка (Продажи/Балансовая стоимость)

Данные об оценке (Продажи/Балансовая стоимость)
Цена к продажам8.73
Цена к балансовой стоимости8.29
EV к Продажам9.04

iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner


На акцию

Данные на акцию
Текущее количество акций2.18B
EPS (TTM)21.36
FCF на акцию (TTM)20.10

Отчет о доходах

Данные об отчете о данных
Выручка (за период с начала года)156.23B
Валовая прибыль (TTM)127.21B
Операционная прибыль (TTM)62.40B
Чистая прибыль (TTM)55.54B
EPS (TTM)21.36
EPS (1г вперед)25.35


Данные о марже
Валовая маржа (TTM)81.43%
Операционная маржа (TTM)39.94%
Маржа прибыли (TTM)35.55%

Балансовый отчет

Пожалуйста, создайте бесплатный аккаунт или войдите, чтобы получить доступ к этому графику
Данные о балансовом отчете
Чистая дебиторская задолженность14.70B
Общие текущие активы91.07B
Нематериальные активы973.00M
Основные средства167.83B
Общие активы256.41B
Кредиторская задолженность7.66B
Краткосрочная/долгосрочная задолженность49.05B
Общие текущие обязательства33.33B
Общие обязательства91.88B
Собственный капитал164.53B
Чистые материальные активы0.00

Денежный поток

Пожалуйста, создайте бесплатный аккаунт или войдите, чтобы получить доступ к этому графику
Данные о денежном потоке
Операционный денежный поток (TTM)82.74B
Капитальные затраты (TTM)30.50B
Свободный денежный поток (TTM)52.25B
Выплаченные дивиденды (TTM)3.80B

Финансовая отдача

Пожалуйста, создайте бесплатный аккаунт или войдите, чтобы получить доступ к этому графику
Данные о финансовой отдаче
Рентабельность капитала33.76%
Рентабельность активов21.66%
Рентабельность инвестированного капитала28.14%
Денежная рентабельность инвестированного капитала26.47%

iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner


График акций

Данные о ценах на акции
Дневной максимум634.79
Дневной минимум600.61
Дневной объем20.9M
Исторический максимум736.67
Оценка аналитиков на 1г649.33
EPS (TTM)21.36
Дивиденд на акцию2.10
Экс-див дата14 Mar 2025
Следующая дата получения прибыли22 Apr 2025

Потенциал снижения

Данные о потенциальном снижении
Текущее падение цены с исторического максимума-15.07%-6.04%
Наибольшее снижение цены-76.74%-56.47%
Дата наибольшего падения3 Nov 20229 Mar 2009
Среднее падение с пика-14.55%-11.07%
Среднее время до нового максимума13 days12 days
Макс время до нового пика595 days1805 days

iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner

iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner

META (Meta Platforms Inc.) company logo
Категория капитализации
Meta Platforms, Inc. engages in the development of products that enable people to connect and share with friends and family through mobile devices, personal computers, virtual reality headsets, and wearables worldwide. It operates in two segments, Family of Apps and Reality Labs. The Family of Apps segment offers Facebook, which enables people to share, discuss, discover, and connect with interests; Instagram, a community for sharing photos, videos, and private messages, as well as feed, stories, reels, video, live, and shops; Messenger, a messaging application for people to connect with friends, family, communities, and businesses across platforms and devices through text, audio, and video calls; and WhatsApp, a messaging application that is used by people and businesses to communicate and transact privately. The Reality Labs segment provides augmented and virtual reality related products comprising consumer hardware, software, and content that help people feel connected, anytime, and anywhere. The company was formerly known as Facebook, Inc. and changed its name to Meta Platforms, Inc. in October 2021. The company was incorporated in 2004 and is headquartered in Menlo Park, California
Отношения с инвесторами
Документы Комиссии по ценным бумагам и биржам
Mark Zuckerberg
Menlo Park
Тип акции
Common stock
Статус ССС
Частота дивидендов

iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner

iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
