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iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
In 2016 a flood severely damaged one of the factories, hence the cell manufacturing capacity fallback
The MSS (Module and System Solutions) business was the division that manufactured the solar modules, system kits, etc.
The Energy business was involved in project development, operation and maintenance and the ownership of working solar power plants
From 20Q4 the company has a new reporting structure. CSI Solar and Global Energy
CSI Solar contains the previous MSS business plus the new "Battery energy storage solutions" plus all of China Energy, which was previously reported under the Energy segment
The Energy business became Global Energy excluding all of the Chinese operations
The company listed the CSI Solar business on the Chinese stock market and owns 80% of it, as of 2020 December 31st
Total revenues differ from the summary of the two segments because of intra-company transactions
Data prior to 20Q3 is for the MSS (Module and System Solutions) and for the Energy business lines
Data from 20Q3 is for the CSI Solar and Global Energy business lines
The company did not report per segment operating income prior to 18Q4, so the annual results prior to 2019 are in fact missing and are not zero
Data prior to 20Q3 is for the MSS (Module and System Solutions) and for the Energy business lines
Data from 20Q3 is for the CSI Solar and Global Energy business lines
Borrowings for solar projects covers debt issued to finance the buildout of solar power plants.This means that for this debt, the power plants can be used as collateral
Borrowing for corporate/manufacturing is for operating expenses and to finance capital expenditures. This type of debt is riskier as if there is a downturn in business operations, the company needs to use its cash and other resources to pay this off
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
P/E | 122.48 |
Ár/Működési pénzáram | - |
Ár/Szabad pénzáram | - |
Ár/EBITDA | 4.67 |
EV/EBITDA | 53.11 |
Ár/Bevétel | 0.12 |
Ár/Könyv | 0.18 |
EV/Bevétel | 1.36 |
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
Jelenlegi részvény szám | 66.17M |
EPS (megelőző 12 hónap) | 0.09 |
Részvényenkénti FCF (12 hó) | -38.33 |
Árbevétel (12 hó) | 6.11B |
Bruttó eredmény (12 hó) | 1.06B |
Működési eredmény (12 hó) | 107.23M |
Nettó eredmény (12 hó) | 5.97M |
EPS (megelőző 12 hónap) | 0.09 |
EPS (1 év előretekintő) | 2.09 |
Bruttó árrés (12 hó) | 17.43% |
Működési árrés (12 hó) | 1.76% |
Nettó árrés (12 hó) | 0.10% |
Készpénz | 2.17B |
Nettó Követelések | 1.35B |
Összes forgó eszköz | 6.39B |
Goodwill | 0.00 |
Immateriális javak | 0.00 |
Ingatlanok, gépek és berendezések | 0.00 |
Összes eszköz | 13.78B |
Fizetési kötelezettségek | 957.64M |
Rövid lejáratú tartozás | 5.97B |
Összes rövid lejáratú kötelezettség | 6.02B |
Összes kötelezettség | 9.75B |
Saját tőke | 4.03B |
Tárgyi eszközök | 0.00 |
Működési pénzáram (12 hó) | -1.38B |
Tőkeráfordítás (12 hó) | 1.72B |
Szabad pénzáram (12 hó) | -2.57B |
Fizetett osztalék (12 hó) | 0.00 |
RoE | 0.15% |
RoA | 0.04% |
RoIC | 0.08% |
CRoIC | -35.80% |
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
Nyitóár | 11.25 |
Napi max | 11.38 |
Napi min | 11.01 |
Napi forgalom | 1.47M |
Mindenkori csúcs | 64.15 |
Elemzői előrejelzés (1 év) | 17.75 |
Beta | 1.34 |
EPS (megelőző 12 hónap) | 0.09 |
Részvényenkénti osztalék | - |
Szelvényvágás dátuma | - |
Következő jelentés dátuma | 14 Mar 2025 |
CSIQ | S&P500 | |
Jelenlegi áresés a mindenkori csúcsról | -82.77% | -1.68% |
Legnagyobb áresés | -96.02% | -56.47% |
Legnagyobb áresés dátuma | 15 Nov 2012 | 9 Mar 2009 |
Átlagos esés a mindenkori csúcsról | -59.86% | -11.11% |
Átlagos idő az új csúcsig | 163 days | 12 days |
Leghosszabb idő az új csúcsig | 3151 days | 1805 days |
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner
iO Charts is a Seeking Alpha partner